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What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

Delivery charges vary from product to product however, we have included the delivery charges within the price for simplicity and customer’s convenience.

Please note that only delivery charges or shipping costs are included in price not the customs or import duty.

Normally the customs or import duty vary from category to category, not all products are subject to duty but if they are they have to be paid at time of delivery by the customer.

To facilitate our customers, we offer multiple payment methods, so customer can transfer funds using any one of them.  Here is the list of payment methods

  • PayPal
  • Debit/Credit Card Payments PayPal Automated Transfer
  • Bank Transfer (UK,USA)
  • Jazz Cash (Direct Transfer)
  • Easy Paisa (Through Payfast & Direct Payment)

We do not offer cash on delivery yet.



Normally the Products take 20 to 30 days to delivery from international vendors with minimal costs but if a customer wishes to receive products sooner then this we can confirm the costs of express delivery 5 to 7 days upon request.

Our goal is to provide customers with quick products delivery so we aim to provide 15 to 20 days delivery.

We make sure that information of our customers stay secure and not shared else where or for marketing purposes or any other purpose.

Our credit card payment processing is compliant with world standards and are 100% secure and encrypted.

Upon receiving your order and payment we will call to confirm order for size selection and delivery address we aim to provide our customers with secure hassle free shopping experience so we will make sure the order placed is right specs.

Customer will receive the invoice upon order confirmation through email.

Tracking information will be sent to customer for shipped products with in 3 days of order confirmation.


Yes invoice will be emailed to customers whose orders are confirmed.